Combine Harvester Servicing

Offers and Discounts

A John Deere X9 Series combine in a field of soy.

0% p.a. Finance Available*

on Combine Harvester Servicing and Selected Aftermarket Upgrades^

  • Valid on all Combine Harvesters
  • Equipment must be currently financed or has been previously financed with John Deere Financial
  • Based on 0% deposit and 12-month term

Offer available from 1 November 2024 through 31 October 2025

*Conditions apply. John Deere Financial Limited. Approved commercial applicants only. Based on 0% deposit and 12-month term. Minimum $11,000 finance amount. Fees and charges may apply. Expires on 31/10/2025.

^Only available for ActiveVision Camera Kits for MY22 & MY23 S700 and X9 Combines. Valid from 01/11/2024. Expires on 31/10/2025.